Fire Safety

As your landlord, it’s our responsibility to ensure your home meets all relevant fire safety standards

We carry out regular fire safety checks in the communal areas of the properties we own. Depending on the type of property you live in, these checks may include smoke detector tests, fire panel servicing, portable electrical appliance testing and checks on fire-fighting equipment (e.g. fire extinguishers).

These are just some of the checks we do. There are many more, including a Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) which is a report containing information about a detailed examination of the internal communal or shared areas of a building. It identifies potential fire hazards, evaluates fire safety measures already in place and determines if any additional measures or controls are needed to be put in place to prevent, control and mitigate the effects of a potential fire.

Read more about Fire Risk Assessments

What part do you play?

There are things you can do to help keep your home and building safe from fire.  Click on the icons below to find out more:


Fire and mobility scooters
Fire and mobility scooters
Fire Doors
Fire doors
Fire electrical safety
Fire electrical safety
Fire and smoke alarms
Fire and smoke alarms
Communal areas
Keeping communal areas clear
Keeping children safe from fire
Keeping children safe from fire
smoking fire safety
Smoking and fire safety
Chip pan fire safety
Using deep fat fryers safely
Barbecue safety
Using barbecues safely
Stay safe at Hallowe'en

Join our Fire Safety Group

We have a dedicated Fire Safety Group responsible for making sure the measures we have in place for fire safety are robust and up-to-date. We're currently inviting tenants to join this group. Interested? Find out more


Got A Fire Safety Question?

If you have a question, or any concerns about fire safety, please contact your Neighbourhood Services Officer or Assets Officer.

Contact Your Neighbourhood Team