Be involved in shaping Our Service to You
We want our customers to be involved with Clanmil.
By working with our team, and having your say, you can help shape the services we provide to you. Together we can make sure our services are right for you and your neighbours.
So that it’s easy for you to work with us, in a way that suits you, there are lots of ways you can be involved and have your say.
You could join your Local Engagement Forum or be part of a Service Improvement Panel. Help shape the publications we send you as a member of the Reader Panel or become a Mystery Shopper. And lots more!
We’ll provide training and support to help you be involved. The new skills you develop could be useful in your day-to-day life and, through your involvement, you’ll meet new people, get to know us better and find out what happens behind the scenes at Clanmil.
Email us at
Call us on 028 9087 6000
We'd love to hear from you, tell us how you’d like to be involved by submitting our online form below
Ways to Get Involved
A group working with the Communications and Customer Engagement Teams to review and advise on customer publications.
Why join?
Contribute to your customer magazine and make sure it's relevant to you
Review publications and written communications for customers to ensure they are user friendly, don’t contain jargon or errors and are written in plain English. Review policies and have you say in how we deliver services to you.
Any Clanmil customer can join the Reader Panel provided there are no major issues with your tenancy. Customers who like to read and review documents and provide feedback will particularly enjoy being part of this group. We’re also looking for people with a good eye for detail.
Time Commitment
Generally, one review each month in your own home.
To join the Reader Panel, or to find out more, chose Reader Panel on the form below and submit. Alternatively, email or call 028 9087 6000 and talk to Claire Darby
Joint customer and colleague project groups set up to inspect important service areas.
Why join?
Help us review how important services are delivered
Be our critical friend
Help us review service areas that are underperforming and make recommendations for improvement
Benefit from training and an incentive
Who can join?
Any Clanmil customer can join a Service Improvement Panel provided you can travel outside your local area for site visits. You also need to have good communication and basic report writing skills. We’ll help you work on these with a one-day training course.
Time Commitment
Each project usually last between 3 and 4 months.
We’ll cover any expenses you have because you’re part of the project such as travel costs, plus a voucher on completion of the project for your time and commitment involved.
To join a Service Improvement Panel, or to find out more, chose Service Improvement Panel on the form below and submit. Alternatively, email or call 028 9087 6000 and talk to Claire Darby
A group where you and your local Clanmil team consider ways to deal with issues that are important for your area.
Why join?
Meet other customers and the Clanmil team looking after your area
Help us to improve your housing service
Get updates on issues affecting all customers in your area
Help organise and participate in events in your area together with other customers and Clanmil colleagues
Participate in scheme walkabouts in your area
Who can join?
Any Clanmil customer can join the LEF in their area, provided there are no major issues with your tenancy. There are no more than three representatives per scheme.
Time Commitment
The LEFs meet once every three months but there could be other times when the group meet. For example, when you are organising or taking part in events, or for scheme walkabouts.
New members are always welcome. To join your Local Engagement Forum, or to find out more, chose LEF on the form below and submit. Alternatively, email or call 028 9087 6000 and talk to Claire Darby or your Housing Officer.
Minutes of LEF meetings
If any Clanmil customer would like to have a copy of the minutes for their LEF area, please email or call 028 9087 6000
Customers test our customer service and standards by making telephone calls, sending emails or visiting our offices.
Why join?
Work alongside an independent organisation to improve the services we provide
Benefit from training and an incentive
Time Commitment
Mystery shopping happens every two years over a period of 4 to 6 months.
To become a Mystery Shopper, or to find out more, chose Mystery Shopping on the form below and submit. Alternatively, email or call 028 9087 6000 and talk to Claire Darby
Estate walkabouts involve walking around your scheme or development with Clanmil colleagues to identify issues that may need attention.
We've recently launched our programme of estate walkabouts for this year - find out more on this page.
Why join?
Talk to your Clanmil neighbourhood team directly and discuss issues about where you live that don’t relate to repairs within your home and external environment.
Suggest minor estate improvements and identify issues in communal areas that are causing problems
Who can join?
Any Clanmil customer can take part in estate walkabouts
Time commitment
1 or 2 hours once a year
Get in Touch
Your Housing Officer will write to you when we are planning a walkabout in your area. If you’d like to be part of the walkabout, please contact your Housing Officer when you receive our letter.
Keep an eye on our Facebook page for details of Estate Walkabouts.
A Tenant Association is a formal group of people who live at and represent your housing development or scheme. The group elects a committee annually, agrees a constitution that is open and fair and holds an Annual General Meeting each year.
Clanmil can help support your scheme or neighbourhood to set up a Tenant Association and provide training for members.
Why join?
Be part of a local group representing people living at your housing development or scheme
Time Commitment
Frequency of meetings to be added by The Tenant Association themselves.
To join or help set up a Tenant Association, or to find out more, chose Tenant Associations on the form below and submit. Alternatively, email or call us on 028 9087 6000 for a chat with Claire Darby.
If you don’t want to come to meetings, but still want to have your say, you can take part in text, telephone or email surveys about our services.
Who can take part?
Any Clanmil customer can take part in our surveys
Time Commitment
We generally conduct around three surveys each year
To take part in our surveys, or to find out more, chose Consumer Panel on the form below and submit. Alternatively, email or call 028 9087 6000 and talk to Claire Darby