Customer Handbook

Hello and Welcome to Your Clanmil Home

This page provides information to help you make the most of your home and the services we offer. From moving in, to money advice, and how to get involved with initiatives to improve where you live. You should find everything you need to know to successfully manage your new tenancy here.

As well as practical information, this handbook will help you understand what responsibilities are Clanmil's, as your landlord, and what responsibilities are yours, as a customer. It should be read in conjunction with your Tenancy Agreement which is your legal agreement with Clanmil.

We want you to love living in your home. Our team are on hand to offer support and advice and to answer any questions you may have. Our Customer Service Centre will be your first point of contact, but you can also talk to your local team. You will find the names of the people who manage your local area by searching for Your Neighbourhood Team on our website You’ll find lots of other useful information there too.

We wish you many happy years in your Clanmil home.

Your Tenancy and Your Rights

Before you move into a Clanmil home you will sign a contract called a Tenancy Agreement.

Your Tenancy Agreement is a legal contract between you and Clanmil. It sets out your rights and responsibilities. When you sign it, you agree to all the terms and conditions in it.

Your Tenancy Agreement is a very important document. Please read it carefully and keep it in a safe place. If you lose your tenancy agreement, contact the Customer Service Centre for a copy.


Different Types of Tenancy

There are two types of tenancy – introductory and secure.


Introductory Tenancy

This applies to people who:

• have never rented a home before.

• have only ever rented from a private landlord.

• haven't been renting a Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) or housing association home for a while.


Under the law an introductory tenant doesn’t have the right to:

  • make improvements to their home.
  • exchange homes with a tenant of Clanmil, another housing association or the NIHE (or any other person) except in exceptional circumstances.
  • assign their tenancy (except in exceptional circumstances).
  • sub-let part of their home.
  • take in lodgers
  • join the transfer list.

Secure Tenancy

This applies to people who have already completed a 12-month introductory tenancy.

As a secure tenant you have the right:

  • to repair and improve your home and to be compensated for some improvements. If you want to make alterations to your home, you must first seek permission.
  • to information and consultation
  • to live peacefully and be treated fairly
  • to take in lodgers


Understanding Your Tenancy Agreement

If there is anything you do not understand in your Tenancy Agreement, please contact your Housing Officer who will be happy to help. Other agencies including independent advice centres, Age NI, Housing Rights or the Law Centre can also help.


Making Changes to Your Tenancy

During your time with us, you may want to make some changes to your tenancy. For example, you may want to create a joint tenancy or arrange to move to a different home. Here’s what you need to know about changing your tenancy:


When you accept a home, you are accepting that it is suitable for your needs. If your circumstances change, you may apply for a transfer by submitting a transfer application form. You can get this form from your Housing Officer or by contacting the Customer Service Centre. Some eligibility conditions apply.

After your transfer request has been assessed, we will tell you if your application has been approved.

If successful, you will join the waiting list, used by NIHE and all Northern Ireland housing associations.

Mutual Exchange

A mutual exchange happens when two or more social housing tenants agree to swap homes. This can be a good option if you want to move but don’t want to spend time on a waiting list.

Many tenants have the right to swap their homes in this way and you can search for someone to exchange homes with on the Home Swapper website

To find out more about mutual exchange, and to check if you have the right to swap, check your Tenancy Agreement or ask us for more information.

Please speak to your Housing Officer before agreeing to swap homes.

Both Clanmil and the landlord responsible for the other home must give written permission before an exchange can happen.

Joint Tenancy

Under certain circumstances a member of your household may apply to become a joint tenant. If approved, both tenants will be required to sign a new Tenancy Agreement.


This means that someone with the right to take over your tenancy becomes our tenant instead of you. You need to ask us for permission to do this, and you will have to sign a legal agreement. Not everyone can pass on or take over a tenancy, so please contact us for more information before you make any decisions on this.


This means that someone with the right to take over your tenancy becomes our tenant after your death. Not everyone is able to take on a tenancy in this way, so please contact us for more information.

Buying your home

If your home is an equity share property, you have the right to purchase it outright.

If you rent your home from Clanmil, you cannot buy your home.


What Happens if You Breach Your Tenancy Agreement

As a secure tenant you have the right to live in your home for as long as you want provided you follow the terms of your Tenancy Agreement.

A breach is doing anything that goes against what you agreed to do in the Tenancy Agreement. If this happens, Clanmil may be forced to take legal action and you run the risk of being evicted from your home.

You could lose your home if you:

• don’t pay your rent.

• behave in an anti-social way.

• use your home for illegal purposes.

• have your main home somewhere else.

• damage or neglect your home.

• break the conditions of your tenancy.

Taking legal action and ending a tenancy is an absolute last resort for Clanmil. It is something we only do when a tenant has seriously breached their Tenancy Agreement and after we have made every effort to work with them to resolve the situation before it gets to that stage.

What to do if Clanmil Doesn’t Meet your Expectations

We hope you’re happy with your new home and the services you receive from us. If you’re unhappy with something we’ve done, or you don’t think we’re living up to our customer promise, please speak to your Housing Officer or our Customer Service Centre team.

They will try to make things right for you. If we can’t resolve your issue in that way, you can make a complaint.

Complaints should be about something that’s happened in the last six months.

When you complain to us, we will:

• deal with your complaint quickly and communicate the outcome to you.

• acknowledge your complaint within three working days and confirm who is dealing with it.

• apologise and agree a resolution with you and/or offer you a remedy when things have gone wrong.

• learn and improve our service to you.

Find out more about our complaints process at­area/unhappy-our-service.

If you are not satisfied, you can appeal the decision to us in a second stage in our policy. If you remain dissatisfied, you can refer your complaint to the Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman.

Please note that the Ombudsman will, under normal circumstances, only investigate your complaint if it has been through our complaints process first.

We’re delighted to welcome you to your new Clanmil home. We hope you settle in quickly and enjoy many happy years here.

Before you move in, we will have carried out a range of safety checks and completed any necessary repair work to make sure your new home is safe and ready for you to settle in.

Sometimes we may need to do minor repairs after you’ve moved in. If this is the case, we will write to you about the repairs required and when we expect them to be completed.

You will find information about the standards we follow when we let our homes at­area/customer-documents


Here are some things you need to know about or do when moving into your new home:


Your Moving-in Date

Your Housing Officer will contact you and agree a date for your tenancy to start. This is your ‘sign up’ date.

Your tenancy will always start on a Monday, and you will be responsible for paying your rent from the date your tenancy starts, even if you decide not to move in that day. You will also be asked to pay another weeks rent up front.

Your sign-up will normally take place in your new home. You will sign your tenancy agreement and we will also ask you to sign a Good Neighbour Agreement. As well as your keys, you will be given a sign-up pack, which includes useful information about your home and your neighbourhood.

At sign-up, your Housing Officer will help you register for the Clanmil Connect portal and app, so that you can easily manage your tenancy.

Your Keys

We will give you two sets of keys when you move in. In exceptional circumstances, for example, to facilitate care for someone who is very ill, we may provide you with more keys.

We recommend that you give one set to a trusted friend or family member and let us know who they are so we can contact them in an emergency. We don’t keep copies of your keys.

If you move into an apartment in a building with a communal entrance, you will also be given a key or fob for the building’s secure door entry system.

If you lose or damage your keys or fob, you will need to pay for replacements. You can’t have duplicate keys or fobs made without first getting permission from Clanmil. If you have duplicates, these must be returned to Clanmil when you move out.

Energy Performance Certificate

We will give you a copy of the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) for your new home within two weeks of you moving in. This certificate shows how energy efficient the property is and provides information on running costs and how to save money.


It is your responsibility to arrange electricity and oil/gas supplies to your new home.

Even if your home has gas or electricity in place already (e.g. a top up meter left by a previous occupant), it is important that you contact the supplier to tell them that you have moved in. This can avoid problems later. For example, having to pay off a debt run up by a former tenant.

Gas and electricity meters are the property of the utility company and not Clanmil. If you have any queries about your meters, please contact your supplier directly.

Floors, Furnishings and Decoration

We don't provide any curtains, blinds or white goods (fridges, ovens etc.). It is your responsibility to arrange these.

We also don't provide new carpets or floor coverings. It is also your responsibility to arrange these. We may agree to leave any existing flooring if you ask us and it is safe to do so.

You are also responsible for the internal decoration of your home.

Talk to your Housing Officer if you are struggling with the cost of setting up home.

Your Rent

Paying your rent on time is really important. It helps us maintain your home to a high standard and provide services to you.

If you pay all or some of your rent yourself, paying by direct debit is an easy option. This can be set up when you sign for your new home.

Housing Benefit and Universal Credit provide help towards rent and other housing costs for people on lower incomes.

Did you know we offer free independent benefit and debt advice for customers who are struggling with their finances.

We can help you check if you are eligible for any benefits. You can read more about our Money Advice Service on page 26.

Visit Clanmil Connect or call the Money Advice Team on 028 9087 7047.

Follow-up visit

Your Housing Officer will arrange to come and see you within six weeks of you moving into your new home. If you need help or information before then, contact them on 028 9087 6000. They will be happy to help you.

If you want to report a repair, call our Customer Service Centre on 028 9087 6019. You can also contact your Housing Officer or report a repair through the Clanmil Connect portal or app.

Moving in checklist

To help you settle into your new home quickly, here’s a handy list of organisations you may need to contact when you’re moving home:

  • Electricity and gas suppliers
  • Credit card companies 
  • TV licensing Land & Property Services (Rates)
  • Insurance providers (e.g. car, mobility, pet, home insurance)
  • Schools 
  • Your employer or benefits provider (e.g. NI Housing Executive or Department for Communities if you are on Universal Credit)
  • Doctor
  • Dentist 
  • Pension provider(s) (if you have one)
  • Driver & Vehicle Agency Post Office 
  • Banks/building societies 

Now that you have moved in, here are some of the things you need to know to help you successfully maintain your tenancy with us.

As a Clanmil customer, you will be responsible for the following charges for your home:

• Your housing charges.

• The cost of any electricity consumed through your own private meter.

• The cost of any energy (e.g. oil or gas) provided to your home by Clanmil as part of a shared heating system. This operates in some Independent Living and some supported living schemes.

• Any other utility costs directly associated with your home e.g. television license, phone/internet, oil/gas heating. You are responsible for arranging and managing these services for your home.

• All costs incurred by Clanmil in relation to our rights under the Tenancy Agreement.

• The cost of rechargeable repairs. There are some examples of these on page 40.


Your Housing Charge

Your housing charge is normally made up of rent, rates and service charges. You may also have a Support Charge if you live in accommodation with support services

(e.g. Independent Living schemes).

Some customers (people living at certain Independent Living schemes) are also charged for the cost of heating their home. You’ll find details of these charges in your Tenancy Agreement or offer letter.

You must pay your housing charge in advance every week or at intervals agreed with your Housing Officer or Income Officer. It is charged to your account every Monday for the week ahead.

If you receive benefits or are on a low income, you may be entitled to help with paying your housing charge.

It is your responsibility to claim Housing Benefit or Universal Credit, but we can help you with your claim. Just ask to speak to our Money Advice Team.


Your Responsibilities

  • You must ensure your full housing costs are paid to Clanmil on time.
  • You must ensure that your housing costs are paid to Clanmil in full even if you receive benefits. If they do not cover all your costs, then you must pay us the shortfall.
  • You must advise the relevant agencies of any changes in your circumstances that may affect your benefits.

Our Responsibilities

  • We will review your rent charges once a year.
  • We will give you four weeks' notice of any changes.
  • We will provide you with an annual rent statement.
  • We will offer free, confidential advice on managing your finances.



Your rent is based on rent points that reflect the physical features of your home. This includes the size of your home and the number of people who could live there.


We collect rates from you on behalf of Land & Property Services and pay these in advance. If your housing costs are paid through Universal Credit, you may be eligible for a rate rebate. You will need to make a separate application to Land & Property Services. Our Money Advice Team can help you with this.

Service Charges

For some homes there will be a charge for other services such as grass cutting and landscaping, cleaning windows and communal areas, heat, light and repairs to communal areas, security, and administrative expenses. This will be outlined in your Tenancy Agreement.

We work hard to make sure that the service charges you pay are fair and good value for money. We review them annually and you will receive a letter in March every year telling you if there are any changes to your service charges.

Your rent goes towards:

  • Planned improvements to your home.
  • Day to day repairs.
  • Decorating the outside of your home.
  • Building more homes for people who need them.
  • Other services we provide, e.g. money advice and customer engagement activities.
  • Our management costs.


How to Pay Your Housing Charge

There are lots of convenient ways to pay your housing charge:

  • Portal. You can pay online using our Clanmil Connect Portal.
  • Direct Debit. Direct Debit is the preferred method of payment. We can help you set this up - weekly, fortnightly, every four weeks or every month. Just give us a call on 028 9087 7034 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. Alternatively, you can set up a standing order or recurring debit card payment.
  • Telephone. You can pay your rent over the phone using a debit card every week. Call us on 028 9087 7034 between 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday to pay.
  • PayPoint. If you want to pay by cash, we can post you out a rent payment card that you can use at the Post Office, local shops and newsagents that display the PayPoint logo. PayPoint payments may take three days to reach your rent account. Please allow for this delay to ensure payments reach us on time.
  • All Pay App. You can pay your rent using the All Pay App


Struggling To Pay?

Our Income Team need to know as soon as possible if you cannot cover your full housing charge.

Call them on 028 9087 7034.


Money Advice Service

If you are struggling to pay your rent, our Money Advice Team can help. They offer a free confidential service and are qualified to help with:

• benefits and applying for Universal Credit or Housing Benefit.

• cheaper ways to borrow money and effectively manage your debts.

• benefit checks to make sure you are claiming all you are entitled to.

• filling in complex benefit application forms and advising you on managing your benefit claim online.

• challenging and appealing incorrect benefit decisions.

• specialist debt advice.

• managing changes in your circumstances such as ending or starting work, sickness, births, or bereavements.

• advice on the best ways of managing and paying your rent or other bills.

• updates on changes to the benefits system.

• energy costs and getting the best deal.

To make an appointment email: or call 028 9087 7047.

To find out more, visit the Help and Support section of our website



If a bin hasn’t been left by the person who previously lived in your new home, you will need to contact your local council directly to order a new one. Damaged or stolen/lost bins are also your responsibility.

In communal blocks, where there are shared refuse areas, you must ensure that you use the correct bins when disposing of recycling, general waste, and garden waste.

Untidy bin areas can attract vermin and can become a health hazard. It is the responsibility of all customers to ensure that the bin area is kept tidy, and that all rubbish is placed in the correct bins. Medical refuse must be disposed of safely and in accordance with health and safety regulations.

Your local council will be able to provide you with information on how often bin collections happen in your area.

If Clanmil has to pay for additional bin collections because people are not separating waste, you may be charged.

It is your responsibility to dispose of your own bulky waste. Please check your local council website for further details.

Shared Areas

Communal hallways and emergency exit routes must be kept clear, so it’s important that you don’t keep any personal belongings like ornaments, plants, bicycles, bags, bins, and mobility scooters in communal hallways. This will mean that everyone can enjoy these areas, and also protect against the risk of fire.

You must not use charging points in communal areas to charge personal items such as mobility scooters. And customers are not permitted to adjust heat settings in communal areas except when agreed in advance by their Housing Officer or Scheme Coordinator.

Car Parking

Most car parking spaces at schemes are not designated, and are available on a first come, first served basis. Priority should always be given to people who live at the scheme.

Assigned parking is available at a small number of schemes. These spaces are provided on a charged basis and are optional. This charge is not covered by Housing Benefit or rent and must be paid in advance.

All vehicles parked on Clanmil property must be roadworthy and taxed and must be parked in designated parking spaces in a way that doesn’t cause nuisance or annoyance to neighbours. Parking caravans in a parking space or garden areas is not permitted.

We are not responsible for parking in public areas that have been adopted by the Department for Infrastructure.

Your Garden

If you have your own garden space, you are responsible for keeping it well maintained.

This means cutting the grass and trimming hedges and shrubs regularly. You are also responsible for cutting overhanging branches from trees that you can reach safely with a step ladder.

We may maintain large trees and hedges that were there before you moved in. Talk to your Housing Officer to check if this is our responsibility or yours.

You must keep your garden free from rubbish and unwanted household items.

Clanmil is responsible for maintaining fences, boundary walls, steps and paths leading to your front and back doors.

Please ask for our permission before you erect any structure in your garden including sheds, greenhouses, decking, patios, or changing fences, putting in a pond or water feature. You also need permission to cut, prune or remove existing trees, to plant new trees or remove hedges. Please speak to your Housing Officer about this.

If your garden becomes overgrown, littered with rubbish or is unsightly, and if there is no valid reason why you can’t sort it yourself despite our requests, we will arrange to have it cleared. We will charge you for the cost of this work plus an administration fee.

Home Contents Insurance

We want you to be safe and secure at home and, as your landlord, we insure the structure of your home against things like fire, flood and storms. However, it is your responsibility to insure the contents of your home including your belongings and things like carpets, curtains and furniture. This cover is not provided by Clanmil.

Example: If you live in general family and singles accommodation and have a leak in the bathroom that leads to your living room ceiling collapsing, Clanmil will repair the leak and make good any damage caused to the property.

We will not replace any damaged possessions such as a sofa, TV etc. These damaged possessions should be covered under you own contents insurance.

Our Money Advice Team can advise you about how to find affordable insurance cover.

Keeping us Informed

We need to collect and hold information about you and your household members to help us understand your needs and provide a good service to you.

It is important that you keep us up to date on any changes in your circumstances, such as when someone moves in or out of your home on a permanent basis (including when you have a baby). This can also help us to help you if your home is no longer suitable for you.


Save Energy and Protect the Environment

We all need to be kinder to the environment to help protect our planet for future generations. You can play a part by saving energy. It will save you money too.

• Turn off your lights when you don’t need them and save around £15 a year.

• Only fill the kettle with as much water as you need and save around £7 a year.

• Dry clothes outside or on a clothes horse instead of using a tumble dryer.

• Fill your washer or dryer whenever possible or use the half load or economy programme.

• If you’re purchasing new white goods such as washing machines, fridges, dishwashers, and tumble dryers please consider buying energy efficient models.

• Turn down your thermostat and save between £85­£90 a year on heating bills. If you’re going away during winter, leave your heat on a low setting to prevent your pipes freezing.

• Replace an old fridge freezer with an A+ rated model and save on average around £57 in energy bills over the lifetime of the appliance.

• Take a five-minute shower instead of a bath and use less water as well as saving around £15 a year on energy bills.

• Turn off appliances such as TVs, DVD players, computers and games consoles, rather than leaving them on standby. You could save around £30 a year.



We know that owning a pet can bring a lot of joy to your life. How many pets and the type of pets you can have depends on the type of home you live in. For more information, have a look at our Pet Policy. You’ll find it on the Clanmil Connect Portal or ask your Housing Officer for a copy.

You normally need to get permission to have a pet. Please speak to your Housing Officer before making a decision.

Permission for keeping a pet may be withdrawn at any time if there is an animal welfare concern, the pet has caused a nuisance, or due to other tenancy breaches.

Keeping livestock, pigeons and dangerous dogs is not permitted.



If you live in an apartment or maisonette, you must have written permission from Clanmil before you use or store cylinders of oxygen or other similar substances.

Oxygen cylinders must be stored in a secure place inside your home. They must not be left unattended in communal areas inside or outside your scheme.

Mobility Scooters and Electric Wheelchairs

Mobility scooters are a great way to help you stay independent when they’re used and stored safety.

You must have written permission from Clanmil to keep and charge a mobility scooter or electric wheelchair in your home or designated storage area. Speak to your Scheme Coordinator or Housing Officer for advice before purchasing a mobility scooter or download a mobility scooter application form from our website

When deciding on your application we will consider fire safety, where you plan to safely store and charge your scooter and we will ask you to confirm that you have adequate insurance.

Storage or charging of mobility scooters or electric wheelchairs is not allowed in the communal areas inside your scheme.

You will need to arrange an annual Portable Appliance Test (PAT) certificate for your mobility scooter, and you may be charged for any damage caused by your mobility scooter or one belonging to someone visiting your home.



Hoarding is where someone collects an excessive number of items and stores them either inside or outside their home.

Hoarding can put the individual and their family at serious risk of health problems and/or injury. It can also pose a fire risk that endangers you, your neighbours, our staff and emergency service personnel.

If you think you may have a problem with hoarding, please contact us on the Clanmil Connect portal or speak to your Housing Officer. We will provide confidential support to help you make your home a safer and more comfortable place to live.


Smoking in Clanmil Buildings

Under the Smoking (Northern Ireland) Order 2006, all Clanmil communal and office areas are smoke free. This includes lifts and corridors.


Bottled Gas

Storing bottled gas and paraffin appliances in your home is prohibited.


We know that many people enjoy feeding wildlife and ask that you do this in a way that doesn’t create nuisance or vermin problems in your area.

Please don’t use food waste to feed wildlife. Put out only a small amount of feed in a proper feeder and remove uneaten food in the evening.

Being a Good Neighbour

It’s important that we all work together to make your neighbourhood safe and welcoming for everyone. You can help by:

• being considerate to your neighbours – especially if you live in an apartment.

• being a responsible pet owner.

• keeping an eye on older or more vulnerable neighbours.

We ask all new tenants and those transferring from another home to sign a Good Neighbour Agreement when they move into their new home. This is a voluntary charter that sets out the behaviour expected of you and your neighbours.


Think About Others

Your neighbours can have different lifestyles to you. Some may work shifts and others will be at home during the day. Please try and be understanding of your neighbours and their lifestyles. Some noises such as doors closing, washing machines, babies crying, hoovering and children playing are just a normal part of everyday life.

Be a good neighbour by:

• not doing noisy household tasks such as hoovering or using the washing machine late at night.

• not slamming doors or shouting.

• telling your neighbours in advance if you have arranged repairs or building work, especially if they are vulnerable, disabled, have a pet or young children.

• not installing laminate, wood or ceramic flooring to apartments, maisonettes above ground floor level as this can cause increased noise.

• being aware of television volume and not playing loud music.

• not allowing rubbish to accumulate on landings or corridors.

• ensuring that all rubbish is disposed of properly.

• not smoking in communal areas including corridors or lifts.

• making sure you close any communal doors after you.

• ensuring that you, your family, and visitors do not cause nuisance or annoyance to other people living in the local area.

• keeping the inside of your home clean and in good condition.


Getting Involved

As a Clanmil tenant, there are lots of ways for you to tell us how we’re doing, help us do things better and review our performance. We know that listening to you can help us improve. You can get involved as much or as little as you like.

You can get involved in person or from home, over the phone or online.

You don’t have to be involved in every activity and you can give as much or as little time as you like.


There’s something for everyone. Examples of engagement activities include:

  • Tenant Association – join or create a group for your scheme
  • Local Engagement Forum – an informal group where customers and the local Clanmil team discuss what’s going on how to improve services
  • Customer Council – a group of customers nominated by the Local forums who meet senior Clanmil decision makers to inform decisions and hold us to account
  • Readers Panel – an online group of customers who review documents, website and magazine content for us so we’re writing things that make sense to customers!
  • Service Improvement Panels – small groups of customers who examine a service areas (e.g. grounds maintenance) and make suggestions for improvement
  • Estate Walkabouts – residents and staff walking where you live to see if anything needs to be changed or improved – we’ll tell you when this is on
  • Health & Safety Forum – customers joining staff to help us keep everyone safe
  • Fire Safety Group – learn what we are doing to manage fire risk and shape our decisions
  • One Off Groups – sometimes we’ll ask customers to work on testing things or improving what we do, like shaping what our website does or how we manage anti-social behaviour

Ask your Housing Officer for more information or check our website, for more on how you can get involved.

You’ll meet new people, use your skills and learn new ones too.

You don’t need to have any experience of customer involvement as we’ll provide any training you may need. We’ll also cover your out-of pocket expenses.

If you would like to get involved or find out more, contact your Housing Officer or email We’d love to hear from you.


Anti-social Behaviour (ASB)

We expect all of our customers to treat each other with respect and consideration. We believe that everyone should enjoy peace and quiet in their home and should not be distressed by the behaviour of others.

Your Tenancy Agreement outlines your responsibilities to be a good neighbour. We also need you to take responsibility for the behaviour of people living with you and visiting you so that your neighbourhood is always a peaceful and welcoming place.

We take anti-social behaviour very seriously and have a duty to tackle it and protect you.


What Is Anti-social Behaviour?

Anti-social behaviour is any unreasonable behaviour which causes nuisance or annoyance to people living in or visiting a neighbourhood.

Behaviour that would be considered a nuisance or annoyance to others:

• Violence or threat of violence.

• Hate crime or behaviour that targets members of identified groups, because of their perceived differences (e.g. race, religion, political affiliation, disabilities, or sexual orientation).

• Verbal abuse, harassment, intimidation, or threatening behaviour.

• Noise nuisance (e.g. rowdy parties, loud music/TVs, dog barking) or an ongoing or persistent noise at any time of the day or night.

• Arguing and door slamming.

• Environmental issues (e.g. litter, dog fouling, graffiti, fly tipping, nuisance vehicles).

• Vandalism and damage to property, including graffiti.

• Offensive drunkenness.

• Intimidation and/or harassment.

• Sectarian or paramilitary activity.

• Criminal behaviour (e.g. prostitution, puppy farming or taking or dealing drugs).

• Domestic violence or domestic abuse.

• Misuse of communal areas, public areas, or loitering.


Behaviours that are not considered to be anti-social:

• Mowing the lawn at a reasonable time of the day.

• Everyday household noise (e.g. people using a vacuum cleaner or DIY equipment at a reasonable time of the day).

• Flushing the toilet.

• Footsteps, chairs being moved, items being dropped.

• Children playing in or near their home.

• Babies crying.

• Young people gathering socially unless they are being rowdy, abusive, causing damage or committing other crimes.

• Children playing ball games in a communal green space.

• Parking lawfully outside your home (including badly parked cars).

• Occasional dog barking.

• Cooking smells.

Some of these could become a concern if they happen regularly late at night or early in the morning. We expect you to manage these types of issues with your neighbours.


What To Do If You Experience Anti-social Behaviour

Report anti-social behaviour to us through the Clanmil Connect portal or by calling 028 9087 6019.

Please contact us as soon as possible after the incident and tell us what happened. If there is a problem outside our normal opening hours, you can email us, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

If the incident involves a crime, please also report it to the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) and provide us with the crime reference number when you contact us.

If you are at immediate risk of harm or can see that someone else is, dial 999 and ask for the Police.


What Clanmil Does About Anti-social Behaviour

Clanmil has an Anti-social Behaviour Policy that provides more detail about what we can and cannot do and explains how we will manage any issues.

Where we have a role, we will:

• acknowledge your report of anti­social behaviour and investigate in a timely manner.

• provide advice and support to you.

• liaise with the PSNI or other agencies where appropriate.

• take action in a proportionate way. This will include offering support for a person involved in anti-social behaviour to change their behaviour and/or engage in mediation where appropriate.

• use legal action when appropriate.

Anti-social behaviour can be a complex issue with a variety of causes and no easy solution. Clanmil has a duty to support both victims and people considered to be wrongdoers.


Legal Action

Where other remedies are no longer appropriate or have not successfully dealt with the issue, Clanmil may take legal action to address anti-social behaviour. This can take two forms:

1. Notice Seeking Possession – this is where we ask the Court to give us an order that removes the person responsible for the anti-social behaviour from the property.

2. Injunction – this is where we ask the Court to make an order against the person responsible short of eviction. This can mean ordering them to stop certain activities or preventing them from allowing certain visitors to their home.


Domestic Violence

Clanmil will work sensitively to support victims of domestic violence. We will deal with any reports of domestic violence promptly and will call on the support of various organisations we work with that are experts in this field. We can help you find secure accommodation and can put you in touch with support agencies.



Everyone has the right to be safe and respected, and to be heard. We aim to support people to retain independence and live a safe and happy life in their home, free from abuse and neglect.

We all have a role to play in making this happen. If you suspect a person is at risk of harm, or if you yourself are being abused, contact our trained Safeguarding Champions immediately for advice and support. Call us and ask to speak to a Safeguarding Champion or email: Alternatively, contact your local Health and Social Care Trust.

We want your home to be in good condition, comfortable, safe and secure, so please let us know as soon as possible about anything that needs repaired. You can tell us about repairs on the Clanmil Connect portal or by calling 028 9087 6019.


Your Repair Rights

Under your Tenancy Agreement you have rights with regard to repairs:

Your Right to Repair

If we don’t carry out certain repairs within our timescales and fail to do so after a second request is made, then in some circumstances you have the right to organise your own repairs and receive compensation from us.

The right to repair will not apply if:

• the issue was caused through damage or neglect by you, a member of your household or a visitor.

• you were not in when the repair operative came to do the work, or you did not allow them into your home.

• you tell us that you do not want us to carry out the repair.

• the repair work will cost more than £250.

• the repair is to an item that you added to your home, or is a specialist fitting to your home. For example, an adaptation for disability.

• you have agreed that the repair will be done at the same time as other work with a longer response time.


Your Right to Carry out Improvements

If you want to make alterations to your home, you must write to us and ask permission before you start work.

If you have carried out certain approved improvements in your home, such as installing a shower, you may have the right to claim compensation when you move out.

To qualify, you must have obtained our written permission to carry out the improvement and have followed any conditions we set.

If you make changes to your home without our permission, or do not carry out the work to a satisfactory standard, we may ask you to redo the work or restore the property to its original condition. You will have to pay all the costs involved.


Reporting a Repair

When you contact us about a repair, please tell us:

• your name, address, phone number and email address.

• details and location of the item that needs repaired.

• times that are convenient to visit your home.

• if you are hard of hearing or have difficulties getting to the door.


We will confirm:

• if the repair is our responsibility.

• the reference for your repair job.

• if we need to inspect the problem before we can arrange to have it repaired.

• the name and telephone number of the contractor who will do the work.


For urgent or routine repairs, we will also give you an appointment time.

In an emergency, we will ask you to stay at home until an operative arrives.

Outside our opening hours (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) you should only contact us about emergency repairs. We will aim to make the situation safe and arrange to complete the repair where necessary.

If you have exaggerated the urgency of the problem to get the repair done more quickly, you may be charged.

If you are advised that the repair is your responsibility under the terms of your tenancy

agreement, you must arrange to have it completed.


Repair Appointments

To arrange an appointment to have a repair completed, please contact the Customer Service Centre and tell us when would be convenient for you. We will pass this on to our contractor.

Please be at home at the time arranged. If our contractor can’t get into your home when they call, you may be charged for the visit.

Check pages 67 to 68 for some checks you can make yourself before reporting a heating or electrical fault to us.


Preparing for Repair Work

Before our contractor arrives, please:

• Make sure you have credit on your prepayment electricity or gas meter or an adequate supply of oil to allow testing of your system. If our contractor cannot test due to no supply, you may be charged for the visit.

• If any furniture needs to be moved, or floor covering taken up, you should do this before the repair operative arrives. If you are elderly or disabled and have difficulty arranging this, let us know in advance.

• The area where the operative will need to work should be clean and free from obstacles and belongings. Our contractor may refuse to carry out work if the work area is not suitable.

• Once you have agreed an appointment date with us, a responsible adult (at least 16 years old) must be at home on that day to let our contractor into your home.


When the repair operative arrives

• Before you let anyone into your home to carry out a repair, an inspection or gas servicing, you should check their identity card and the paperwork they have about your repair to ensure they are genuine.

• Keep children safe while work is being done and keep pets out of the way.

• In line with the Government’s smoking regulations, you must provide a smoke free environment for any repair operative who comes into your home. They can refuse to come into your home if you are smoking.

For larger repairs, the contractor may use the first appointment to measure for materials. They will then arrange with you to complete the repair.

Our contractors will:

• introduce themselves and show you photo identification before entering.

• be polite and tidily dressed.

• explain what they are going to do and discuss how this will affect you.

• take care to protect your belongings from damage

• make sure materials and tools do not cause danger to anyone in your home.

• keep mess and noise to a minimum.

• clear rubbish and remove it at the end of each working day.

• limit the use of mobile phones.


They will not:

• smoke or play the radio.

• use your phone or toilet or go into other rooms in your home without permission.

• make or receive personal phone calls.

• accept gifts from you.

• keep keys to your home.


If There’s No-one In

If you are not at home when we come to do a repair, we will leave a card telling you that we called. You should contact our contractor using the number on the card or call us on 028 9087 6019.

If you reported an emergency repair and were not at home when the contractor visited, you may be charged. We also want to hear from you if you waited for the contractor and they never came.


Customer Satisfaction with Repairs

Clanmil carries out regular Customer Satisfaction Surveys about our repairs service. The results of these surveys are used to improve the service you receive.


Clanmil’s Repair Responsibilities

As your landlord we have legal responsibilities to carry out certain repairs. Our legal requirement or our policies may change, and this could mean that a repair we carried out in the past is now your responsibility or vice versa. If you are ever in doubt about whose responsibility a specific repair is, please contact us. We are always happy to explain this for you.

We are responsible for repairs to:

  • the structure and exterior of your home including:
    • drains, gutters and external pipes
    • the roof
    • outside walls, outside doors, windowsills, window catches, sash cords and window frames including necessary external painting and decorating
    • internal walls, floors and ceilings, doors and door frames, door hinges and skirting boards but not internal painting and decoration
    • chimneys, chimney stacks and flues but not chimney sweeping
    • pathways, steps or other means of access
    • plasterwork
    • integral garages and stores
    • boundary walls and fences
  • installations provided by us for space heating, water heating, sanitation and for the supply of water, gas and electricity, including:
    • basins, sinks, baths, toilets, flushing systems and water pipes
    • electric wiring, including sockets and switches, gas pipes and water pipes
    • water heaters, fireplaces, fitted fires and central heating

Please note that we are only responsible for the water, electric and gas supply inside your home. Some repairs may be the responsibility of your utility supplier.

You'll find a more detailed list of repair responsibilities on pages 61 to 66.


Repair Categories

We categorise repairs that are our responsibility as:


Immediate or Emergency (24 hours)

Before applying an Emergency Classification to any work, our team will consider the following:

• is there a risk of serious injury?

• is there a major health hazard?

• is there a risk of extensive damage to your home or a neighbour’s home?

• is there a risk of major inconvenience?


Urgent (4 working days)

Urgent repairs are those that may affect your comfort, may inconvenience you or may damage the property if not carried out urgently but do not pose an immediate risk of significant property damage or significant risk to health.


Routine (20 working days)

All other repairs are working categorised at routine. In some instances, these types of repairs may be held over or inclusion in planned improvement works.

It will not always be possible to meet these target repair times. Things like bad weather, holidays and the availability of materials may result in delays. We will always tell you if your repair has delayed for any reason.

Under the terms of your tenancy, you must allow our contractor into your home to carry out repairs. If we know that a repair needs to be done in your home, we have the right to access to do it.

In an emergency, such as a gas or water leak, we may have to do this without giving you warning.


Your Repair Responsibilities

You also have some responsibilities when it comes to looking after your home and completing minor repairs. We expect you to report any repairs to us that are our responsibility as soon as possible, and make sure that no one damages your home.

There’s a list of common repairs and details of who is responsible for them on pages 61 to 66. Before you contact us about a repair, please have a look at this list and check who is responsible. If you are in any doubt, or the repair isn’t listed, please call 028 9087 6019.


Repairs we may Charge You For:


Most people treat their homes with care and respect but, some people may damage their home, either deliberately or accidentally.

If we think that you or your visitors have damaged your home, we’ll ask you to explain what’s happened.

If you have caused the damage, you will have to pay to put it right, even if you have moved out of the home.

This includes accidental damage to fixtures and fittings caused by attempting DIY, damage caused by anti-social behaviour such as fighting, and damage caused by the police if they’ve had to forcibly enter your home with a warrant.

No Access

If you have made an appointment to have a repair done and you don’t provide access to have the work done, you may receive a bill for the visit.

When you move out

If there’s work that needs done to your home when you move out, or furniture and belongings left behind, we will send you a bill to cover the cost of repairs and clearance.

To avoid getting a bill, we ask that you:

• report things that need repaired to us when they are our responsibility.

• carry out small repairs that are your responsibility to a suitable standard.

• keep your property tidy and your garden maintained.

• don’t make any alterations without written permission from Clanmil.


Planned Maintenance

In addition to repairs, Clanmil carries out an annual programme of replacement work and servicing.

Replacement works are completed when part of your home, such as windows, wiring, boilers, bathrooms, and kitchens, reaches the end of its expected life.

In exceptional cases, Clanmil may agree to defer some planned work in your home if you do not want it to be carried out. This should be discussed with your Assets Officer when we tell you about our plans to do work.

Redecoration of the outside of your home will be carried out every five years and we will redecorate internal communal areas every seven years.

We also must carry out servicing and cyclical maintenance on a regular basis to keep your home safe and in a good state of repair.


Planned maintenance timescales:

  • Kitchens (including flooring) replaced every 20 years
  • Fire alarms replaced every 20 years
  • Bathrooms replaced every 30 years
  • Windows replaced every 20 years
  • External doors replaced every 20 years
  • Lifts replaced every 20 years
  • Communal flooring replaced every 12 years
  • Boilers replaced following service assessment, usually around every 15 years.


Aids and Adaptations to Your Home

Clanmil can carry out some adaptations to your home on the recommendation of an occupational therapist.

If you have difficulty carrying out certain tasks in your home such as bathing or using the stairs, you can discuss this with your GP who can refer you to an occupational therapist.

The occupational therapist will visit you in your home and assess your needs. Following the visit, they will send their recommendation to us, and we will decide if the work can be done.

Recommended works can range from grab rails to level access showers and stairlifts. Major works may include extensions to properties where feasible.


Making Improvements to your Home

If you are thinking of making improvements or altering your home, please speak to us first as you need written permission for certain work. If you go ahead and carry out any work without our permission, we may restore your home to its original condition, and you will be charged for this.

You also need our permission to decorate any part of the outside of your home, install a satellite dish, or CCTV cameras on the outside of your home, or install an electric vehicle charging point.


Gardening Services

Gardening and landscaping are paid for through your service charge.

You must meet certain criteria to qualify for home adaptation.

Applications for adaptations will not be approved if you are currently on the waiting list for a transfer to other accommodation.

In some instances, Clanmil will carry out minor adaptations for customers with a permanent condition where the adaptation will make their everyday activity easier.

Contact your Assets Officer through the Customer Service Centre to discuss your needs.


You can expect to receive:

• 16 visits each year - every two weeks from April to November and every month from December to March.

• paths, car parks, kerbs will be kept clear of litter, debris etc.

• fallen leaves will be cleared on each visit and either removed from the site or left to compost at an agreed location.

• all grassed areas will be cut cleanly every two weeks between April and October unless otherwise instructed.

• hedges will be trimmed to maintain their original designed height and appearance at a time that best suits the specific species.

Keeping you and your family safe in your home is our number one priority. There are also things we need you to do to keep yourself and others safe and secure in your home and within your housing scheme.



To keep your home safe, we carry out regular safety checks on certain equipment such as boilers, lifts and fire alarms.

Every year we service and safety check gas, oil and solid fuel systems and appliances, lifts and fire alarms. Every five years we test the electrical system in your home.

It is a legal requirement for these services to take place and they are essential to ensure your safety. If you do not facilitate reasonable access to your home for these safety visits then we will take legal action against you and you may be charged.


Boiler Servicing

A regularly serviced boiler is less likely to break down and if your boiler is serviced every year, it will run more efficiently, and you could save money on your energy bills.

We will write to you in advance and tell you when our engineer will call. If the time is not convenient, we are happy to arrange another time that suits you.

It is a legal requirement for us to inspect the boiler in your home annually, so it is important that someone is at home on the appointment date to let the engineer in to carry out the checks.


Faulty gas appliances, that are not regularly maintained can become dangerous and can give off carbon monoxide. You cannot see, taste, or smell this gas, but it can kill.

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include tiredness or drowsiness, headache, chest pains and stomach pains.

If you notice yellow or orange flames, soot or stains around a gas appliance in your home, or your pilot light often blows out, this could mean a problem.

If you suspect a boiler or gas appliance isn’t working correctly, don’t use it. Contact the Gas Emergency Service immediately. Call 0800 002 001.

For your own safety, you should not sleep in a room containing an open flue gas or solid fuel appliance.

If you fail to keep appointments for servicing, we will take legal action to access your home or ultimately end your tenancy and charge you for our costs.


Fire Safety

All Clanmil homes have been designed to comply with fire regulations and we do annual fire risk assessments in communal areas. These are made available for you to see.

General family accommodation is fitted with smoke and heat detectors and, with carbon monoxide detectors where gas is installed. You are responsible for testing the detectors in your home regularly.

In our Independent Living schemes, the Scheme Coordinator will arrange for a fire drill twice a year. It is essential that your attend and cooperate fully with this. Please let your Scheme Coordinator know if there is anyone staying with you for evacuation purposes if there should be a fire.


Reducing the Risk of Fire

You can reduce the risk of fire by being vigilant about naked flames such as cigarettes and candles.

You should also:

• plan what to do if there is a fire and being aware of escape routes.

• make sure smoke alarms are fitted and in working order.

• make sure exit routes are always kept clear.

• check that all appliances have been switched off and unplugged before you go to bed.

• report any faulty equipment or problems to your Assets Officer immediately.


If a fire alarm goes off in your building at any time, you should evacuate immediately.

If there is a fire in your home, you should:

• get everyone out and close the door.

• do not use the lift.

• call 999, give your address and, if you live in an apartment, tell them which floor the fire is on.


Staying Safe in Your Home

Tips to stay safe in your home:

• Never leave a saucepan unattended while the cooker is on.

• Never smoke in bed.

• Don’t leave loose wires or flexes trailing across the floor.

• Don’t overload electrical sockets. Be sure electrical plugs are correctly wired and fused.

• Don’t leave carpets or linoleum turned up at the edges.

• Never leave your home unlocked even if you are only out for a few minutes. Never leave keys in your front door.

• If there is a power cut, don’t use candles. Use a torch instead.

• When you go out, close all windows and lock both front and back doors.


And if you live in Independent Living accommodation:

• Please always wear your pendant, if you have one, at home and around the scheme

• Don’t tie up pull cords on the call system. This could prevent you making vital contact with the Scheme Coordinator or Radius Connect 24 staff when you need to.

• Never let anyone into your home unless you know who it is. Always ask for identification. Any staff calling from, or on behalf of, Clanmil will gladly show identification. If you are in any doubt, please pull the emergency cord.

If you live in an apartment, the door entry system enables you to identify visitors prior to permitting or refusing entry. NEVER let strangers in.


Condensation and Mould

Condensation is caused by a buildup of moisture in the air as part of daily life due to things like cooking, washing and drying clothes on radiators. The moisture condenses on cool surfaces such as walls, mirrors, and windows, and can cause black mould to form.

If you find mould, wipe it off immediately with water (do not use washing up liquid). Apply a diluted bleach solution to the surface or a recommended DIY product. Read the instructions carefully before use and wear rubber gloves.

To prevent condensation:

• close kitchen and bathroom doors to stop steam going into colder rooms.

• open kitchen/bathroom windows when cooking or washing to allow steam to escape or use an extractor fan.

• don’t use bottled gas heaters. The gas produces a lot of moisture.

• wipe down surfaces where moisture settles to prevent mould forming.

• do not block air vents.

• take steps to reduce moisture being produced by drying clothes outdoors, covering cooking pans, and venting tumble driers to the outside.

• keep the house warm, prevent heat loss and maintain a low background heat all the time.

If the problem is persistent, please get in touch with us. We take cases of damp and mould seriously and will work with you to get to a solution.


Legionnaires’ Disease

Domestic hot and cold water systems can provide an environment where Legionella bacteria can grow. This can cause Legionnaires’ Disease which is a potentially fatal form of pneumonia caused by inhalation of small droplets of contaminated water containing Legionella bacteria.

Clanmil has a water hygiene contractor who manages and monitors the quality of the water at our Independent Living schemes. They carry out regular water testing, monitor the temperatures of our hot and cold water and conduct regular risk assessments to ensure everyone stays safe.

If you live in an Independent Living scheme, there are some things you can do to help limit the risk of legionella growth:

• Flush taps and showers that are not used regularly for a few minutes each week.

• If you are away for long periods of time (longer than one week) ensure that, when you return, taps and showers are flushed for several minutes before use.

• Keep your shower head clean and disinfect it with household bleach every six months.

• Report any problems you are experiencing with your water to your Scheme Coordinator or the Clanmil service centre.


Pest Control

Clanmil is not responsible for pest control at General Needs properties. If you have an infestation at your home, please contact the local council pest control or environmental department.

We are responsible for pest control at our Independent Living schemes.

If you decide to end your tenancy and move on from your Clanmil home, you must give us written notice.

The notice period for weekly tenancies is four weeks from the Monday following the date you tell us you are leaving. It is important that you leave your home in good, clear, and clean condition so that we can quickly make it ready for someone else in need of a home. You will be asked to pay for the cost of clearing and cleaning if you do not leave the property in the condition we expect.

Here is what you need to do before you leave:

  • Allow us access to your home for any inspections, repairs and viewings.
  • Arrange to return the keys/fobs/ energy cards to us by 12 noon on the date your tenancy ends.
  • Ensure all keys are returned to us including window keys, fobs, communal door keys and letterbox keys. If you have keys or a fob for a car park, they must also be returned. Keys should be placed in the property key safe which will be fitted in the notice period or handed to your Housing Officer at an agreed time and place. If you do not return the keys to us when you leave, we will charge you for replacing them.
  • Make sure your rent and all other charges are paid up to the date when your tenancy ends.
  • Arrange removal of all your belongings and rubbish from the home, including from the loft space if there is one.
  • Clean the bathroom and kitchen, sweep floors and wash down surfaces.
  • Cut back and tidy the garden.
  • Remove all carpet, underlay and wooden laminate flooring unless we have agreed for the flooring to stay. You should discuss this with your Housing Officer as soon as possible after deciding to move.
  • Repair or pay for any damage you have caused.
  • Inform your electricity provider, your gas supplier, Northern Ireland Water and your telephone/broadband provider if applicable.
  • Leave behind your gas or electricity key cards (if you have pre-pay meters).
  • Tell us your forwarding address.
  • If you are receiving any benefits such as Housing Benefit or Universal Credit, you must tell Housing Benefit or Universal Credit of your termination date.
  • Tell the Post Office, your gas and electricity suppliers that you are moving.

If you don’t do these things, your end of tenancy may be delayed, and you may have to pay extra charges as a result.

When you give us notice that you are moving out, we will arrange with you to inspect your home. Following this inspection, we will write to you telling you about any work that needs done before you leave that is your responsibility.

If you don’t have this work completed before you leave, we will arrange for it to be done and we will charge you for it.

If you have a joint tenancy, and both you and your co-tenant wish to end the tenancy, please follow the steps above. If only one of you wishes to end the tenancy, please contact us to discuss it.


What to do about a friend or relative’s tenancy if they die

Coping with the death of a friend or relative is never easy and trying to deal with their affairs can be difficult. We are here to support you if you are unsure about how to deal with their tenancy.

If you are unsure about how to end a tenancy following a death, please contact the Scheme Co-ordinator or Housing Officer for the scheme.

It is important that you let us know about the death as soon as possible as there may be implications where housing costs are funded through social security benefits. Often this stops on the day the tenant passes away.

Sometimes additional time is needed following a death to deal with the person’s possessions. During this time, rent will continue to be charged until the tenancy ends and the keys are returned to Clanmil.

In certain circumstances, other members of the household may be eligible to take over the tenancy. It is therefore important to speak to us as early as possible.

Emergency Numbers

Fire, Police, Ambulance 999

PSNI Crimestoppers 0850 055 5111

Gas emergency 0800 002 001

Northern Ireland Electricity 0345 764 3643

Northern Ireland Water leakline 0800 028 2011

Flooding Incident line 0300 2000 100


Other Useful Contacts

Housing Rights Service NI 02890 245640

PSNI Non-emergency 101 or 0845 600 8000

Northern Ireland Social Security Officers 0800 022 4250

Northern Ireland Housing Executive Housing Benefit enquiries 03448 920 902

Power NI 03457 455 455

Firmus Gas 08456 080 088

Airtricity Electric and Gas 0345 900 5253

Pheonix Gas 0345 455 5555

Budget 0800 012 1177

Click 0800 107 0732


Useful Contacts

Local Councils in Northern Ireland

Antrim and Newtonabbey Borough Council 02894463113 (Antrim) 02890340000 (Newtonabbey)

Ards and North Down Borough Council 03000133333

Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council  03000300900

Belfast City Council 02890320202

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council 02870347034

Derry City and Strabane District Council 02871253253

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council 03003031777

Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council 02892509250

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council 03001245000

Mid-Ulster District Council 03000132132

Newry, Mourne and Down District Council 03000132233


How we use your information

We collect your information so that we can provide services to you.

We have procedures to collect, store and process your information safely and securely and we follow the legal requirements to the Data Protection Act 2018 and EU General Data Protection Regulation 2018. Our Privacy Notice includes details of:

• how we collect your information

• what information we collect from you

• how we store your information

• how long we keep your information for

• how we use your information

• who we share your information with

• your rights

Our full Privacy Notice and further information on the data we collect and how we use it is on our website at

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