Equality screening

Equality Screening

Under our Section 75 duties we screen our policies to identify any that are likely to have an impact on equality of opportunity

Recent policy screening

The aim of the options review is to consider various options for the future of the three Housing with Care homes operated by Clanmil. This screening exercise seeks to provide information to identified stakeholders on the reasons for the consultation and to invite views on the options during the 12- week consultation period.

Screening Outcome: Out

Reason for outcome: At this stage of pre-consultation, the process has been screened out. However, depending on the outcome of this process further screening will be required to determine impact on the equality, good relations and disability and may result in a full EQIA being required at a later date.

Read Screening document

The aim of the options review is to consider various options for the future of the three Housing with Care homes operated by Clanmil. This screening exercise seeks to provide information to identified stakeholders on the reasons for the consultation and to invite views on the options during the 12- week consultation period.

Screening Outcome: Out

Reason for outcome: At this stage of pre-consultation, the process has been screened out. However, depending on the outcome of this process further screening will be required to determine impact on the equality, good relations and disability and may result in a full EQIA being required at a later date.

Read Screening document

14 September 2021

The aims of the options review is to consider various options for the future of the three Housing with Care homes operated by Clanmil. This screening exercise seeks to provide information to identified stakeholders on the reasons for the consultation and to invite views on the options during the 12- week consultation period.

Screening Outcome: Out

Reason for outcome: At this stage of pre-consultation, the process has been screened out. However, depending on the outcome of this process further screening will be required to determine impact on the equality, good relations and disability and may result in a full EQIA being required at a later date.

Read Screening document

3 August 2021

The policy compliments the bad debt procedure and covers the write off criteria for tenants with debts no longer collectable.

Screening Outcome: Out

Reason for outcome: No adverse impact with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within the equality and good relations categories

Read Screening document

26 July 2021

The Corporate Procurement Policy is the strategic policy that governs procurement activity within Clanmil and is designed to deliver value for money whilst ensuring our approach is fair, transparent and proportionate to the goods, works and services being procured.

criteria for tenants with debts no longer collectable.

Screening Outcome: Out

Reason for outcome: No adverse impact with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within the equality and good relations categories

Read Screening document


August 2023

The policy sets out our promise to any customer, stakeholder or member of the public who wishes to make a compliment, complaint or suggestion regarding our service.  The policy outlines the process and the steps that will be taken on receipt of any form of feedback and at each stage of complaints process.

Screening Outcome: Out

Reason for outcome: No adverse impact with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within the equality and good relations categories

Read Screening document

30 Oct 2023

The policy sets out our commitment to deal effectively with reported incidences of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB). The policy also provides an overview of the principles underlying Clanmil’s approach to ASB.

Screening Outcome: Out

Reason for outcome: No adverse impact with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within the equality and good relations categories

Read Screening document

August 2023

The policy sets out how Clanmil will collect rent, other customer charges and other income and our approach to managing income promptly and effectively.

Screening Outcome: Out

Reason for outcome: No adverse impact with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within the equality and good relations categories

Read Screening document

November 2023

To establish Clanmil's commitment to, and provide a framework for, the identification and management of risk to service delivery in the event of a significant unplanned incident or disruption.

Screening Outcome: Out

Reason for outcome: No adverse impact with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within the equality and good relations categories

Read screening document

December 2023

This Policy sets out the Association’s approach in relation to pet ownership within Clanmil managed properties to ensure a safe and healthy environment for its customers.

Screening Outcome: Out

Reason for outcome: No adverse impact with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within the equality and good relations categories

Read screening document

July 2024

This policy aims to ensure that all colleagues and board members are aware of what is acceptable, how to respond to offers of gifts or hospitality and that there are adequate systems of governance in place.

Screening Outcome: Out

Reason for outcome: No adverse impact with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within the equality and good relations categories.

Read screening document

August 2024

The purpose of this policy is to set out the principles underpinning the way Clanmil sets colleagues salaries. This policy covers the principles for employee remuneration, ensuring remuneration packages are competitive and affordable, clarifies responsibility for setting and reviewing remuneration and additional related benefits.

Screening Outcome – Out

Reason for Outcome – No adverse impact with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people with the equality and good relations categories.

Read screening document

This Policy sets out the Association’s approach in relation to the Neighbourhood Fund, which is a Clanmil internal fund to facilitate activities for customers living in Clanmil managed properties

Screening Outcome - Out

Reason for outcome - No adverse impact with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within the equality and good relations categories.

Read screening document

 For earlier equality screening documents, email equality@clanmil.org.uk