Our Board

Our Board is made up of 10 non-executive voluntary members who provide strong, focused governance and support the Executive Team in managing our business.

Our Board Members bring independence and a breadth of skills, experience and specialist knowledge.

The Board is supported by a Customer Committee, a Remuneration and Staffing Committee and a Group Audit and Risk Committee.

View our Board


Our Executive Team

The Executive Team is led by our Group Chief Executive, Carol McTaggart.  They are responsible for the day-to-day management of our business.

View our Executive Team


Our Partners

We know how important it is to develop and sustain great partnerships that support our customers.  By working in partnership with a range of organisations we bring together the skills, expertise and help that our customers need to live well.

View our Partners


Our Customers

We provide homes for more than 11,500 people across Northern Ireland including families, older people, those with support needs and shared communities.

For most people, it's just about having a comfortable and affordable place to live.  Others may need a bit more support to live well in their home.  This could be financial advice, on-site staff to help them live independently, specialist care and support, or community development programmes that help build strong, resilient communities.

We make a real effort to get to know our customers and the services they need to make life easier. We seek to build and maintain healthy, trusting and respectful relationships with them so that their voices are heard loud and clear when it comes to shaping the services we provide.