Complaints or enquiries

We try to meet the highest standards in all areas of our business. We take any complaints we receive about this very seriously. We welcome any suggestions for improving our services. If you do make a complaint or enquiry we may collect and store personal information in relation to this matter, we will keep it secure and use it only for the purpose it was collected. When the matter is resolved or completed, we will retain the details in accordance with our retention schedule and then destroy them.

Making a Complaint

If you wish to make a complaint please refer it in the first instance to:

Complaints Officer
Clanmil Housing
3 Waring Street


Call: 028 9087 6000 

You can also watch this short video on how we'll handle your complaints:

Remote video URL


You can, however, raise any concerns regarding the security of the data Clanmil holds about you directly with the Information Commissioner’s Office:

The Information Commissioner’s Office – Northern Ireland
3rd Floor
14 Cromac Place


Call: 028 9027 8757 or 0303 123 1114