Home Improvements
All homes need a makeover every so often. We carry out a programme of continuous improvements to customers' homes to ensure they stay safe, cosy and comfortable places to live.
This covers major repairs and improvements to properties and each year Clanmil spends over £4 million updating your homes.
Our planned maintenance programme covers:
- New double glazed windows and doors
- Central heating replacements
- External decoration and repairs
- Rewiring
- New kitchens and bathrooms
- Insulation upgrades
- Energy efficiency improvements
- Redecoration of communal areas in apartment blocks
- Fire alarm upgrades
We plan the work to be carried out each year based on the age and condition of our properties. We use condition surveys of our properties to establish which homes are due for improvements and when this work will take place. These surveys gather information on the age of kitchens, bathrooms, doors, windows and more, and when they are likely to need replaced.
We work closely with you to plan this work so that it causes as little disruption as possible. We also try to take into account your preferences. For example, for kitchen replacements you will be offered a choice of door types and worktops to choose from.
If your property is due to be upgraded, our Tenant Liaison Officer will be in touch to arrange to visit your home before any work starts.